Please read before submitting.
Textillia hosts a database of information about sewing related items. We do not sell or otherwise distribute the items that are listed on the site. All links to buy products are intended to go directly to the designer or manufacturer's own shop, and we do not take any commission on sales through these links. (If a link for your product is misdirected, please let us know so we can update it.)
In order to build our crowdsourced database of information about sewing related items, Textillia allows its users to post content to the website. Some of this content (such as copyrighted images or descriptions of products) is posted under a copyright exemption known as "fair use" or "fair dealing". While users are not allowed to post non-copyright-exempted material (i.e. the actual products themselves, or products using copyrighted or trademarked images or phrases), if this does happen, we will respond in full compliance with the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998. If you believe that you or your principal own the rights to material posted on this website, and the posting of that material does not fall under the copyright exemption, you have the right to submit a takedown request in accordance with DMCA, and we will respond accordingly.
To submit your request, please provide your information using the form below.
If you have any questions related to a potential copyright infringement, or if you wish to make a takedown request by a means other than the above form, you may contact:
Bruno De Bondt
Mailing address:
1424 Commercial Dr.
PO Box 21525 Little Italy Vancouver, BC
V5L 3X0
Email: or use the contact form.