Man, kids today just don't know vampires! I'm pretty sure that Angel could easily take Edward down a peg or two...
Joss Whedon fans rejoice! It's finally here - Buffy the Vampire Slayer and crew (Spike, Willow, Angel, Xander, and Rupert Giles) - the perfect stitch for the Buffy lovers that you know - and if your friends don't know Buffy, then this is a chance to sit them down and educate them on vampires that *don't* sparkle
Fabric: 14 count
Grid Size: 98W x 70H
Design Area: 5.36" x 2.71" (75 x 38 stitches)
This cross-stitch pattern comes with a full colour chart with floss legends in DMC, JP Coats, and Anchor, although of course all colours can be replaced as per the stitcher's preference.