Proteus? ....eye roll here... what is she thinking?... Well, exactly what the title says. This is the cardigan pattern for many occasions. One pattern and many ways to use it. I don't know about you but I need clothes that I can convert into many outfits. The same goes with the patterns. One pattern that I can alter to make many outfits, especially now with Halloween and the rest of the seasonal holidays just around the corner. There are plays, Thanksgiving meals, Christmas parties, birthdays, work meetings, all which will probably require slightly different dress. There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all the things I need to get done. Including the million ideas I have for all the fabric, I have collected. I know the name of the pattern, Proteus, sounds a bit "manly", but allow me to explain. According to Greek mythology, Proteus was a sea god that could foretell the future, but would only do so for those that were strong enough. Proteus would change shape to avoid doing so and engage only with the deserving ones. He was often described as the god of "elusive sea change". Like Proteus, this cardigan is versatile, adaptable and flexible.