Sitcoms come and sitcoms go and only a few truly endure. The Golden Girls is one of those rare treasures - everyone knows Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy (and Dorothy's mother Sophia). Few of us are senior citizens living in Miami, Florida, but even we get the jokes - and can appreciate the theme of friendship no matter what our age!
So stitch this up as a thank you for a friend - or your grandmother - or anyone who likes a good laugh!
Fabric: 14 count Aida
Grid Size: 98W x 70H
Design Area: 4.07" x 3.36" (57 x 47 stitches)
This cross-stitch pattern comes with a full colour chart with floss legends in DMC, JP Coats, and Anchor, although of course all colours can be replaced as per the stitcher's preference.