Miss Maggie’s Handbag is a great starting point for any beginner to advanced bag maker. It starts out as a simple handbag that allows you to use several styles of our Emmaline Strap Anchors, and after you personalize it with your own style, it will become one of your favourite bags. I fell it love with this simple, yet classic shape & decided it was the perfect bag for makers to either leave as is, or dress up with pockets and accents to suit their own style.
The instructions will show you how to make simple straps, an inside slip pocket, and insert purse feet. From there, if you would like to add: inside or outside zipper pockets, zipper openings, bag lock closures, accent fabrics, or any other fancy bag features, you can follow the free tutorials on our blog or elsewhere to make it exactly to suit your own personal style. So let this free pattern show you how “keeping it simple” can look stylish, professional, and classy. We have an additional tutorial on the blog that will show you how to add a zipper opening!