From The Night Quilter:
Safety pins have been used in the UK and Australia as a symbol of solidarity and support for people who are scared or upset, and many people are beginning to wear them in the US as a sign of anti-violence and anti-bigotry. It's a symbol to signal you are an ally (no matter who you voted for). Wearing or displaying this safety pin means: You are safe with me. I stand beside you.
As a small contribution to helping spread loving kindness in an unsure time, I created this pattern to offer for free to anyone who wants to stitch their solidarity into their bags, a banner, your quilts--or anything else. Spread the word, spread the love. And once you make these safety pins, be sure to use your voice--if you see or hear injustice, stand with the persecuted and provide help whenever you can. Together, we can fight the hate of xenophobia, racism, sexism, and ableism--we can fight with love.
I'd love to share in your solidarity and support, so please tag me @nightquilter if you do make this, and tag #safewithmepattern #safetypinmovement #safetypin #safewithme to share in standing together with those who are fearful of aggression in our society.
(Sample sewn by Kate Basti.)